Halifax Shambhala Centre
https://halifax.shambhala.org/ The Halifax Shambhala Centre will be offering a Wed evening ZOOM version of Open House with Meditation instruction.
Atlantic Contemplative Centre http://contemplativecentre.ca/ offers 3 online Open Mindfulness Groups each week using the Zoom platform:
Tuesday: 7:00-8:00 PM link: https://zoom.us/j/543141920 Meeting ID: 543 141 920
Wednesday: Noon-1:00 PM link: https://zoom.us/j/306467276 Meeting ID: 306 467 276
Thursday: 4:00-5:00 PM link: https://zoom.us/j/203966384 Meeting ID: 203 966 384
Participation in these Open Mindfulness groups is free and volunteer led by the ACC facilitators. All sessions will follow the OMG format: check-in, then 15 to 20 minutes of silence for mindfulness practice (some guided and some in silence), followed by individual walking practice and then another session of mindfulness practice. Each session will end with an open discussion time.
Mindful.org https://www.mindful.org/category/covid-resources/
https://www.mindful.org/10-minute-nourishing-breath-meditation/ This link has a 10 min guided meditation.
Lions Roar "how to Meditate" https://www.lionsroar.com/category/how-to/